Book Fair
Scholastic Book Fair is a fun and engaging event that takes place twice each school year. The book fair coordinators work with Scholastic Books, the school librarians and the school principal to coordinate fair promotion throughout the school (marketing ideas provided by Scholastic), book fair delivery, set-up, volunteer coordination to help work the event, tear-down of event and any other items they determine are necessary to help promote and make a successful fair. Our book fair proceeds benefit each teacher in our school as all proceeds are taken as Scholastic Dollars and then given to each teacher to spend on a normal year each teacher will receive approximately $100 in Scholastic Dollars (per book fair) and the library $500 in Scholastic Dollars (per book fair). This is a large fundraiser for items and books for our library and classrooms and the students LOVE it! The book fair dates run consistent with parent teacher conferences.
Variety Show
The Variety Show is an amazing school event that takes place at PVHS theatre. Our students and even teachers and staff show their talent! This committee assists with planning, organizing and welcoming those to participate and attend this fantastic event. The Variety Show normally takes place early Spring.
Walk A Thon
Walk-A-Thon is typically the largest school-wide fundraiser that everyone is welcome to participate in. Students raise money and are awarded prizes based on the amount they collect. This is a fun, active event that appeals to all grade levels. Students participate regardless of how much they are able to fundraise. All students walk with their grade level outside on the field for 20 minutes. We invite a DJ to play fun music, announce theme laps and keep the atmosphere upbeat! Teachers walk with their class and in past years we have also invited grownups to come to the event. The Walk-A-Thon chair(s) coordinate the DJ, track student donations, order and distribute prizes. This is a good fit for volunteers that are organized, strong communicators and comfortable tracking monetary donations from multiple sources. The WAT chair(s) need to be available the day of the event and have some flexibility in their schedule to stop by the school for communications, donations and prize distribution. This event normally takes place mid-September.
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Nothing Bundt Cake is a local franchised store located off of 53rd street in Davenport. This store donates a portion of every cake proceeds that our school sells back to the Riverdale Heights PTA and is a successful fundraiser that takes place twice a year. The volunteers who will coordinate this event will work with Nothing Bundt Cakes to plan the sales dates, coordinate order pick up, manage payment from student families and lead a cake pick-up event at school. Additionally, work with the Board to market the event on social media and at school. Our PTA Treasurer participates and helps with the payment side of this fundraiser. The set pick-up dates for this sale normally takes place once in the winter and once late spring.
Dine and Donate
Restaurant donations are an essential and fun way for our PTA to raise funds towards our projects that we want to accomplish each year. This volunteer or volunteers would form relationships and coordinate one restaurant per month for a Riverdale Heights night. On our assigned nights a portion of the proceeds would go back to our Riverdale Heights PTA. The work associated with this committee involves making phone calls to area restaurants, setting dates and marketing events through PTA, flyers and social media so our students and families know when to eat at supported restaurants. No on-site school time at Riverdale Heights is necessary.
Sixth Grade
The Sixth Graders at Riverdale Heights are congratulated and celebrated at the end of the year for their graduation from Riverdale Heights and their move to Pleasant Valley Junior High. The coordinators for this committee should be a 6th grade parent and a 5th grade parent. The reason why a 5th grade parent is needed is so they have a year to help, then when their child is a 6th grade student the next year, this person will be able to train a 5th grade parent so the successful cycle can continue. The items this group takes care of is a fundraiser to raise the necessary funds to purchase each 6th grade student and teacher t-shirts for their end of the year celebration. Helping the 6th Grade teachers in planning for this event and serving as a liaison between the 6th Grade teachers and the PTA board for fundraising and party planning. The event that has been already built to pass on to the 6th graders to market and coordinate is the PTA Pancake Breakfast early December. These co-chair volunteers can do other events as they see as necessary and the PTA will support their efforts.
Backyard Bash
This is a FUN event that welcomes all families, students, teachers and staff to just kick back and have some fun. The coordinator would coordinate a small variety of food trucks to come set-up at Riverdale Heights, and for a portion of the proceeds to benefit Riverdale Heights PTA, then we welcome all to come play, socialize and purchase items for dinner from the food trucks (or they can bring their own picnic). They help with set up at the event, clean up after and coordinate all event details with PTA and the staff. This is a wonderful, fun evening event to recreate a welcoming atmosphere and celebrate a wonderful school year. This event normally takes place towards the end of the school year.
Disco Glow
Disco Glow is an easy and fun event that takes place in the Riverdale Heights Gym with most of the lights out, a DJ and a small concessions area run by the PTA. All students are welcome to attend and dance/run off their energy. This is NOT a parent drop off event and parents are asked to stay and watch their children. These volunteers would assist with planning, marketing and running the event. This event normally takes place in the Spring.
Rock and Roll Bingo
Riverdale Heights Bingo is an AWESOME time with family fun. Families are invited to come with their students and purchase Bingo cards, pizza and concessions will be available to purchase and also bid on a silent auction. These co-chairs would coordinate the Bingo event by booking the rock and roll Bingo individual to run the Bingo portion of the event, coordinate volunteers to help with the event and create the silent auction. This is a good fundraiser for our Riverdale Heights PTA. This is normally scheduled early Winter.