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eNews 01.28.2022

Writer: Riverdale Heights eNewsRiverdale Heights eNews

Dear Riverdale Heights Families,

Early Dismissal Reminder: Starting February 4, PV Schools will dismiss early every Friday through the end of the school year. Previously scheduled Wednesday early dismissals will change to full school days. PVHS dismisses at 12:05pm; PVJH dismisses at 12:55pm; Elementaries dismiss at 1:30pm.

Reading Day: Wednesday, February 2nd is our next reading theme day - this month is "We are SUPER Readers" (wear sports gear in conjunction with Super Bowl)!

Spring Concerts: We wanted to get this exciting news on your calendar! Riverdale Heights will be having an all school concert during the day on April 7! This is taking place of our Fine Arts nights. Look for more information in the coming months!

Transition to 7th Grade: We would like to invite you and your child to a meeting on the following dates in the PV Junior High gymnasium to begin assisting with the transition to Pleasant Valley Junior High School. Due to space restrictions, we are limiting attendance to 2 members per family (2 Adults or 1 Adult and 1 Student).

Wednesday, February 23rd from 5:30-6:15pm for students currently attending Hopewell, Bridgeview, Cody and Forest Grove Elementaries.

Wednesday, February 23rd from 7:00-7:45pm for students currently attending Pleasant View and Riverdale Heights Elementaries.

These session will be an opportunity to meet the Junior High counseling staff and administration to discuss programs, policies, and procedures at Pleasant Valley Junior High School. We hope to address all of your questions and concerns through this forum. Course selection and course information will be provided to all 6th grade students at the elementary conferences.

Variety Show 2022: It's that time of the year! Get the students ready to show off their talents in our PTA's Variety Show this year happening on the 4th of March. Please register to participate using this form.

PV Girls Youth Basketball Night: Click here for more information about this February 1st event. Players get into the game FREE if they’re wearing their jersey or any PVGBB gear!

PV Boys Youth Basketball Night: Come on out to the PVHS basketball game on Friday, February 4! If you wear your PVJH or Spartan Youth team basketball jersey, you get in for free. Teams will be recognized at half time with a team poster signing following the game. Click here for more information.



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